Organic gardeners have become respectable and fashionably green but organic beekeeping is deemed to be illegal and very odd.
In both cases the though process involved seems to have been to re-examine the basics and to begin again "on a different tack"
The use of compost and manure in the case of gardening and the very idea of leaving the bees in peace on the other.
The villian in these two activities is the chemical industry where pests are hammered with pesticide with no reference to the rest of te environment. This close focus on problems resulting in a single shot defence is strikingly highlighed in Organic Gardens which are self regulating - pests and diseases hardly affecting them.
The only real rule appears to be cleanliness to avoid the build up of pests and disease to give flowers and bees a chance to stay in harmony with their surroundings.
Perhaps it needs a different vierwpoint to spot a solution. Even before the iron age men have plought the earth,inverting the soil to bury the weeds. Biologists know that a lot of soil activity occurs on or just below the soil surface. this led to the no dig method where the soil remains undisturbed allowing the soil organisms to work on the compost and mulch laid on top of it.
In woods and forests leaves have fallen to earth for millennia, the soil remaining totally undisturbed and fertile across the ages.
So too the bees have survived unchanged for 42 million years.
Man has altered the stable environment of the bees by using them as industrial widgets. They are stressed beyond endurance and either die off or just simply vanish.
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