Bee Keeping is Totally Wrong!
- A natural swarm has 8 combs [about 30cm wide and 21cm deep].
- Heat rises - the top of the hive is warmer than the sides.
- Honey and pollen [food] are stored above the broodnest
- Queens lay into fresh comb.
- The broodnest moves downwards - hatched bees are replaced with stores.
- The winter cluster can access the stores in the warm upper combs without chilling.
- Combs are aligned to the magnetic field of the Earth.
- Natural cells vary according to need.
- Propolis is essential for the health of the hive.
- Swarming is essential.
- The bees replace the queen as and when needed.
- Hives should remain in peace and not be disturbed throughout the year.
Why are hives
- at ground level.
- not circular.
- made of wood.
- given landing boards.
- provided with entrances at the bottom.
- Beekeepers put the bees into overlarge hives. The combs are restricted to moveable frames.
- Multiple Supers are put on top of the brood nest. Queen excluders prevent the queen laying in them.
- The use of foundation is restrictive and restricts the formation of suitable cells.
- Pesticide build up in wax foundation makes the drones sterile causing queens to fail
- Sugar rather than honey is fed to bees. Honey is acidic: neutral sugar encourages brood disease
- Beekeepers open the hive on a regular basis.
- Propolis and brace comb is removed.
- Pharmaceuticals are used in the hive. The pests mutate to counter their effect.
- Mated queens are imported from distant countries.
- Swarm prevention techniques are essential
- Hives are moved to the crops.
The Queen bee is no longer in command of the Hive.
It is the beekeeper that rules.The Natural Environment of the bee is now a commercial one and is breaking down.
Diseases and parasites are becoming immune to the drugs used to kill them.
It is time to Start Again allowing the bees to live in their ancestral manner and not force them into "Hive Products" Commercial Exploitation
The Vegans are correct - beekeeping merely enslaves the honey bees and now it seems they are voting with their feet and [wings] and are buzzing off!
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